8 Amazing Marine Animals To Spot In India’s Waters

A lot of beautiful sea life lives along India's long shoreline. You might see these eight amazing sea creatures in its waters.

Thick Brush Stroke

Humpback Whale

 This majestic giant can be seen off the coasts of Maharashtra and Goa during its migration season. Its breaching and tail-slapping behaviors are very amazing.


Thick Brush Stroke

Blue Whale

 You can see the biggest animal in the world in the water around Lakshadweep and the Andaman and Nicobar Islands. The fact that they are so big and hard to see makes sightings truly unique.


Thick Brush Stroke


 In Goa and the Andaman Islands, you can often see bottlenose and Indo-Pacific dolphins. People enjoy watching them play and interact with each other.


Thick Brush Stroke

Manta Rays

 These beautiful animals move through the water around the Andaman Islands. Dive and snorkel trips are common times to see them.


Thick Brush Stroke

Leatherback Turtle

In Odisha and Tamil Nadu, you can see leatherback turtle nests, which is one of the biggest sea turtles. You can also see them while swimming in these areas.


Thick Brush Stroke


 There are beautiful rainbow-colored sea slugs like these that live in the coral reefs of the Andaman and Nicobar Islands.


Thick Brush Stroke

Great White Shark

This top predator is rarely seen, but it can be found in the water off the southern coast, near Tamil Nadu and Kerala.


Thick Brush Stroke

Sea Cucumber

These interesting animals live in the coral reefs and seagrass beds along India's coast. They are very important to aquatic ecosystems.



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