Thornless varieties like 'Navaho', 'Arapaho', and 'Ouachita' are popular for their simplicity of care and yield.
Plant in full sun for best fruiting. Make soil well-drained and somewhat acidic (pH 5.5-6.5).
Plant rows should be 3-5 feet apart and 6-8 feet apart. Plant in early spring when the ground is usable.
Keep soil wet but not soaked. Water deeply, especially in dry seasons, but prevent flooding.
Spread 2-3 inches of organic mulch like wood chips or straw around plant bases. This retains moisture and suppresses weeds.
Trellising helps thornless blackberries. Tie canes as they grow on a T- or V-shaped trellis.
After the first season, prune canes annually. Remove dead or weak canes in late winter and thin the remaining canes to improve ventilation and fruit yield.