Using Vines as Groundcover 

The cherry on a 4-season, tiered landscape is classic vines and groundcovers. Perhaps the most overlooked "layer," an underplanting of groundcovers and vines links your garden together.

Thick Brush Stroke

Classic Vines for your garden

I often worry about garden vines. Though they grow and add beauty, some vines are hostile. Vine growth has choked out bulbs, perennials, and even smaller bushes.


Thick Brush Stroke

Clematis (vine)

Most reliable vines are clematis. Many types bloom in various seasons and hues. Clematis is the best non-invasive, non-aggressive climbing vine.


Thick Brush Stroke

Clematis ‘General Sikorski’ 

Most reliable vines are clematis. Many types bloom in various seasons and hues. Clematis is the best non-invasive, non-aggressive climbing vine.


Thick Brush Stroke

Clematis ‘Jackmanii Superba 

The popular clematis ‘Jackmanii‘ blooms profusely midsummer through October with rich purple, 5-inch flowers that fade from deep to light purple.


Thick Brush Stroke

Clematis ‘Blue Explosion 

Blue Explosion produces 5″ semi-double purple-blue flowers with pink tips. Single lavender blossoms follow. 


Mrs. N. Thompson, a vivacious clematis climbing vine, will beautify an old fence or lamp post. Piky passion flower-like flowers in bicolor. Mrs. N. 

Thick Brush Stroke

Clematis ‘Mrs. N. Thompson 


An award-winning clematis, Kardynal Wyszyneski is a free-flowering vine with 6-8" blazing scarlet pink blooms with a center cluster of black anthers. 

Thick Brush Stroke

Clematis ‘Kardynal Wyszyneski 


This vine is named Beautiful Bride because it resembles a bridal gown. Only a few clematis vines bloom all the way to the ground with huge white blooms up to 10" wide.  

Thick Brush Stroke

Clematis ‘Beautiful Bride 


Classic groundcover Sedum occurs in numerous sizes and kinds. ‘Autumn Joy’ and ‘Angelina’ are good variants. 

Thick Brush Stroke

Sedum (groundcover)


I also propose Creeping Jenny (Moneywort) as a classic groundcover. Its chartreuse color contrasts well with other flowers and plants. 

Thick Brush Stroke

Creeping Jenny (groundcover)


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